Marc & Liz Scheibe

Marc & Liz Scheibe

After completing his Master of Divinity (2004) from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS, Marc accepted a call to plant a campus ministry with RUF at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, CO. Four years later, he transitioned to the University of Tulsa as RUF Campus Minister where he replanted its ministry there. He then accepted a call to become the pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Hot Springs, AR.

While pastoring there, he sensed his need to be further equipped and trained in counseling and moved his family to St. Louis, MO, where he finished his Master of Arts in Counseling in 2016 at Covenant Seminary. Liz also received her Master of Arts in Counseling in 2017. While waiting for a pastoral call, Marc and Liz heard of Serge-Ireland’s desire to begin a work in Belfast, Northern Ireland, specifically looking for a team leader. In the spring of 2018, Marc and Liz accepted a call to move to Belfast to work with local Irish pastors and churches through pastoral mentoring, teaching and training lay leaders, and evangelistic initiatives for the sake of Gospel renewal. They have four children.