Craig & Stacy Pohl

Craig & Stacy Pohl

The Pohls count it a great privilege to partner with the Presbyterian churches in Chile who express great passion and commitment to the expansion of God’s kingdom. Drawing on experience in international business, team leadership, and ordained pastoral ministry, Craig’s desire is to equip new leaders in the context of local church plants. Stacy’s desire is to further the work of church planting with her God-given gifts of teaching, creativity, music, and hospitality. The Pohl family first served with MTW in Ecuador for nine years in university ministry, church planting/development, and team leadership.

Craig spent three years  as director of the Reformed Theological Academy there and is now serving in an assistant pastoral role with the Longuen church with a focus on discipleship, church planting and working together to reach the southwest sector of Chile’s capital city with the life changing power of the gospel.  They have two children: Karis (17) and Aimee (15)

Please write Craig and Stacy to request their prayer letters or visit for photos and occasional updates.