Accessible Hope International

Accessible Hope International

Accessible Hope International’s primary purpose is to equip and train the global Body of Christ with a Biblical framework to promote the holistic transformation of all people with disabilities, with a primary emphasis on women. Accessible Hope maintains a “hands-on” community development program in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Today, approximately 800 women are being served through a variety of program activities including, Transformation Training, Bible Studies, Mother’s support groups, Skills training classes, and a Fair-Trade Cooperative. AH’s heart is not to just love and serve women affected by disability but to see them become active participants in the Body of Christ, fulfilling their God-given roles. AH also trains ministry leaders and pastors throughout the developing world in building a Biblical framework for effectively engaging people with disabilities in their ministry and region of the world. The curriculum AH created is a tool to use God’s Word to evaluate our thoughts, attitudes, and actions towards those with disabilities and help realign them with what God’s Word says.

For more information about Accessible Hope International, you can visit their website at: